My career arc spans roles as Art Director, Creative Director, Visual Communication Strategist, Senior Visual Designer, and Executive Communications Designer to local, national and global brands. These roles have necessitated wide-ranging, holistic and all-inclusive skill sets with full life-cycle ownership from direct C-Level client engagement, concepts, strategy, and positioning to hands-on modern visualization.

My range spans agency lead experience and entrepreneur skills having owned and operated a freelance design studio for 20+ yrs.
(That's the school of hard knocks).
I have a well rounded and in-depth capabilities range covering:
· Brand Design, Development · Brand Storytelling · Corporate Brand Systems · Marketing tactics · Omni-channel campaigns · Strategy, Positioning · Visual Communications · Graphic Design · Iconography, Infographics ·  Illustrations · Keynote, Sales, Marketing & Executive Presentations · Advertising, Promotions · Concepting, Creative Development, Creative Briefs · Storyboards, Story mapping · Style Boards, Mood Boards · Event Graphics ·  Environmental Graphics ·  Packaging, POS/POP · Apparel, Hard & Soft Goods Surface Graphics.

When not in the visual communication space, I'm pursuing my other passion designing and creating custom hand-built instruments!

Always creating.