Storytelling & Presentation Craft
Presentations cannot be underestimated in their direct relation to effect the voice of brands, both internally and externally. I am practiced and versed at creating custom high-end C-level products, services, platform, venture capital, and educational presentations for Fortune 100 top tier leaders like; Microsoft, AWS, VCE, EMC, Dell EMC, HP, F5, Chef, Splunk and Philips.
Many of these required providing critical business consultative services advising on strategy, market positioning, market perception, brand awareness, brand voice and defining their brand visual design. In addition to the ownership of projects, many included developing individual slide messaging, as well as the speaker narrative which built the cohesive messaging relationship to the overall story arc. This level of presentation craft necessitated creating custom content to context relations explaining abstract and complex ideas.

Seeing The Whole Story Arc: Content, Positioning & Strategy
Story mapping creates a step-by-step collaborative dialogue for communicating the methodology and stages from concept through visualization. It acts as a tool to evaluate the complex inter-relationships of a story and how arranging key message points effects the whole. My focus is to provide an outside perspective, absorbing knowledge, synthesizing information, conceptualizing, defining and developing content which communicates complex, often abstract ideas. This level of strategy, messaging and visualization involves complete ownership of project life cycles, client communications, project management, art and creative direction, as well narrative and contextual writing.
This often requires that I speak frankly when content has no relevant value and does not fundamentally contribute to the overall projects goal.

Explore, Define, Create, Connect
Communicating an idea is the art of making a connection with your audience. Storytelling gives ideas momentum and a defining voice.
How stories are structured (story arch) can clarify, educate and illuminate an audience. Understanding the tone and direction of a story is essential to ensure connectivityIn my story-boarding and mapping methodology, the goal is to align voice and content to a specific target audience.
This methodology can be applied to all design processes and deliverables from a national multichannel advertising campaign, a freestanding informational kiosk video, or a tee shirt.
Many designers create great designs, but miss the underlying framework of content, audience and deliverable.

Modern Visualization
Only after the content to audience connection is made, is the topic of how to bring the content to life visually begun.
When teaching other designers how to design, craft, and create presentations, I reinforce how critical the understanding that the end visual design is a direct influence to the contents reception. Layout and prioritization of how the canvas is used is as critical as defining the original content to work with.
I enjoy demonstrating to clients how breaking traditional rules in presentations design frees them to create unique, dynamic and visually elegant statements that continually receive appreciation.