Holo Vision Immersive Prototype

As part of an ongoing discovery series, this project was a conceptual innovation development proposal to explore possibilities in product design, product marketing potential, conceptual visualization, immersive interaction concepts and branding. My solution was to build an immersive presentation environment which would feature 3D model animations and content which could be explored as the viewer navigated through the storytelling environment. For this project example I designed and developed all content from ground up: potential of market viability, concept of product feasibility, concepts of engineering and mechanics, branding, product illustrations and supportive narrative writing to explain the products applicability and design features.

Opening title screen - active center logo to transition to immersive environment

Opening title screen - active center logo to transition to immersive environment

Concept layout with interactive animations. Viewer is presented with interactive 3D drone. As drone is moved across screen, new behavioral information is presented.

Concept layout with interactive animations. Viewer is presented with interactive 3D drone. As drone is moved across screen, new behavioral information is presented.

Concept layout for the design and mechanical features. Selecting specific illustrations or details activates animations to explain functions.

Concept layout for the design and mechanical features. Selecting specific illustrations or details activates animations to explain functions.

Close sequence with branding logo.

Close sequence with branding logo.