Microsoft Threat intelligence center

Some branding and identification projects are very high-profile, while others remain a force working in the background. The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center is a complex and integral gatekeeper to the security of Microsoft, it's services and partners. Having the opportunity to be the creative design focal point for the identity for this team and the strategy/messaging/visualizations for their keynote presentations, enabled my perspectives of the security field and it's intricacies to be greatly broadened. Their services are greatly appreciated.

A global force

The final solution needed to express 3 critical factors. 1. Swift action to any threat. 2. Many teams coming together to act as one. 3. A global effort with exacting, pinpoint effectiveness.

Beginning variations

All branding and identity projects start with exploratory concepts. One approach worked on was a bird of prey theme - swift, sure of sight and determined.

All in the details

As the design neared finalization, there were variations of details explored to see how they effected the overall style as well as impact to the overall concept and end statement and still align to the Microsoft core brand.