T-Mobile IoT animation

For this project, my role encompassed the art & creative direction for T-Mobile's client forward facing animation. This project also included sales presentations and a multi-folding promotional mailer. The work included design, development, narrative/voice-over and copy writing, animation story boarding, animation asset creation and mechanical production file art. The project required filtering through client provided marketing content, determining how to align content to objectives, establishing tone and postioning, and presenting the various stages of design concepts and production to the client for review and approval.


The storyboard was one part of many details that were needed for the animation. Prior was the voice-over script writing, which created the foundation for what would become the visual environment.

All the moving parts

Within the animation there were many key assets that need to be created. All need to be stylized and pulled together for video production.

Folding promotional

The multi-fold mailer promotional piece needed to align in tone, design and alignment to the overall corporate brand. The above animated gif shows how the panels interacted to reveal the connective story.